Immediately following their appointment, the members of the plan commission shall meet, organize, elect such officers as it may deem necessary, and adopt and later change or alter, rules and regulations of organization and procedure consistent with city ordinances and state laws. The commission shall keep written records of its proceedings, which shall be open at all times to public inspection. The commission shall also file an annual report with the corporate authorities, setting forth its transactions and recommendations.
In addition to all other powers and duties provided in the Municipal Code Chapter 16, the plan commission shall have the following powers and duties:
To prepare and recommend to the corporate authorities a comprehensive plan of public improvements, looking to the present and future development and growth.
To prepare and recommend to the corporate authorities from time to time, such changes in plan as they deem necessary.
To prepare and recommend to the corporate authorities from time to time, plans and recommendations for specific improvements in pursuance of the official plan.
To give aid to city officials charged with the direction of projects for improvements embraced within the official plan.
To exercise such other powers germane to the powers granted by this article as may be conferred by the corporate authorities.
Dawn Seward
Eric Harbin
Keith Schramm
Chris Baer
Direct review of all disciplinary action.
Policy review with reference to Personnel Matters; payroll & records, attendance, leave time, holidays, vacations, sick leave, and disciplinary matters.
Conduct an annual review of Article 4, Personnel Policy under Chapter 2, Administration, of the Beardstown City Code.
Make recommendations to the full City Council with reference to amendments, changes, or additions to Article 4, Personnel Policy under Chapter 2, Administration, of the Beardstown City code.
Review staffing levels. Make recommendations to the full City Council with regard to the filling of positions.
Review and make recommendations on matters relating to employees benefits health benefits specifically.
Review and make recommendations on matters relating to collective bargaining agreements.
Other personnel matters as they arise.
Ron Culves
Lisa Buhlig
Eric Harbin
Chris Baer
Oversee Beardstown Police Department.
Oversee Beardstown Fire Department.
Oversee the Beardstown Ambulance Department.
One member of the PHS committee shall be involved in the negotiations of labor contracts with the above departments.
Make recommendations regarding the number and classifications of liquor licenses.
Oversee and make recommendations regarding waste management contracts.
Oversee enforcement of City's code regarding Animal Control.
Oversee enforcement of City's Code regarding Property Standards & Maintenance.
Oversee enforcement of City's Code regarding Neighborhood Redevelopment.
Ron Culves
Mary Ann Davis
Lisa Buhlig
Chris Baer
Oversee and make recommendations regarding all purchases of supplies materials, and services.
Generally review the financial condition of the City; examining the books, accounts, and reports of City Officials.
Discuss and make recommendations to the full City Council on short term and long term strategies for revenue enhancements and cost savings.
Review and make recommendations to the full City Council regarding investment policies.
Recommend to the Council the availability of state, federal, and local grants, loans, guarantees, or other forms of assistance.
Study and make general recommendations regarding the City's financial position regarding long-term financing or bond issues.
Oversee the preparation of the annual budget appropriation ordinance, and tax levy ordinance.
Dawn Seward
Shawn Taylor
Mary Ann Davis
Keith Schramm
Oversee the Greater Beardstown Airport.
Oversee the Beardstown Marina.
Oversee all public parks, all public grounds, and all public buildings owned or administered by the city.
Improvements and repairs to such facilities.
Oversight of any special committees in section Chapter 2, Article V, Section 2-91.
Oversee all City cemeteries.
Oversee all aspects of City Development; annexation, boundary agreements, business development, building code development & enforcement, economic development, historic preservation, permitting, planning, and zoning.
Keith Schramm
Dawn Seward
Mary Ann Davis
Shawn Taylor
Oversee and make recommendations regarding he City's Infrastructure.
Repair and improvement of public streets alleys, and sidewalks.
The regulation of traffic and parking.
The overall operation of the Public Works Department.
The overall operation of Water Treatment and Distribution.
The overall operation of sanitation, storm, and sanitary sewers.
The overall operation of matters pertaining to public utilities.
The overall operation of matters pertaining to rights-of-way.
The overall operation of matters pertaining to flooding.
The overall operation of matters pertaining to special service areas.
One member of the Infrastructure Committee shall be involved in the negotiations of labor contracts with the Public Works Department.
Ron Culves
Secretary: Randy Reichert
Treasurer: Ron Culves
Chair: Paula Woods
Nancy Bley Cowen
Emma Taylor
Pam DeSollar
Chair: Paula Woods
Meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of every month, except August and December at 7:00 pm. The public is welcome to attend.
Tour information:
Contact Paula by email or call 217-323-4514.
Library Board Committee is appointed by the mayor with consent of the City Council.
Meetings are every third Wednesday of each month.
Beardstown Houston Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Officer
President Melanie Schroll Jun-24
Vice-President Sandra Lux Jun-24
Treasurer Kaye Hardwick Jun-24
Secretary Maggie Nordsiek Jun-25
Board Member Connie Starkey Jun-26
Board Member Katie Vitale Jun-25
Board Member Muriel Paul Jun-2
Board Member Jessica Avendano Jun-24