The City of Beardstown does not require a business license. There is no business license fee.
The business must be properly zoned. Please see the zoning map, or call the City of Beardstown at (217) 323-3110.
All street food vendors need to meet Cass County and the State of Illinois regulations before starting a food vendor business in Beardstown.
A new ordinance is in place regarding this.
Chapter 15- Solicitors, Peddlers, and Itinerant Merchants.
Article III. - Peddlers and Itinerant Merchants
Section 15-31.
As part of the Economic Adjustment Assistance Program, EDA’s regional offices award competitive grants to establish Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs). EDA’s RLF recipient, in turn, disburses money from the RLF to make loans at interest rates that are at or below market rate to small businesses or to businesses that cannot otherwise borrow capital. As the loans are repaid, the grantee uses a portion of interest earned to pay administrative expenses and adds principal and interest repayments to the RLF’s capital base to make new loans. A well-managed RLF award actively makes loans to eligible businesses, continues to revolve loaned funds (interest and principal), and does not have a termination date.
As of April 2011, the RLF program encompassed 575 RLFs, with a combined capital base of $862 million, which represents a 4% increase in the capital base over September 2010 (see RLF table below). The majority of these RLFs reported concentrating on making loans in the range of $25,000 to $175,000, although a number of RLF operators made much smaller (as little as $1,000) or much larger ($1 million+) loans.