Mayor Leslie Harris, City of Beardstown, established a committee of community members to form the
Beardstown Harbor Committee. Members of the Committee are volunteers from
the City of Beardstown and others who reside within Cass County. The Beardstown Harbor Committee
has held several fund raisers over the past year to assist in funding the project initiatives at the Marina.
Committee members are actively pursuing additional grant opportunities and funding sources.
The City of Beardstown has limited staff resources to pursue grant funding so this initiative is
being supported by members of the Beardstown Harbor Committee. Private sector participation in
the overall project is also being pursued to accomplish project initiatives at the Marina.
The Beardstown Marina Mile 88 Project is comprised of four goals which represent both the
necessity and benefits of the Project once access between the Illinois River and the
Beardstown Marina can be re-established. It is anticipated these four
goals can be attained for the benefit of the City of Beardstown, the surrounding region,
and the State of Illinois as additional funding sources are identified.
Donations raised to Date
Donations are Tax-Exempt
New 16' Weldbilt Camo Boat 25 hp
Yamaha 4-stroke motor
with electricstart and on a trailer
Winner pays taxes and license plate
Winner can take the boat - valued at
$12,000 or $8,000 cash!
The Depot (217) 452-3212
Kelly Cagle (217) 248-9354
Thanks to
S & R Marine and Yamaha!!!
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